Thursday, November 12, 2009

Anaemia Causes

There can be many causes of anaemia.

Anaemia is the condition where there is a low count of red blood cells.

It occurs frequently in women who have just undergone pregnancy. The following are some of the reasons why anaemia might developed.

1. Heavy menstrual period
2. Low iron in diet
3. Internal bleeding (ulcer or tumour)
4. Diet low in vitamin B12 or folic acid
5, Blood disease such as leukaemia
6. Infections such as malaria

Anaemia is slightly different from aplastic anaemia.

What is Aplastic Anaemia

The condition Aplastic Anaemia occurs when the body's bone marrow does not produce sufficient new cells to replenish blood cells. Anaemia refers low count of red blood cells whilst aplastic anaemia patients usually have lower counts of all the 3 types of blood cells (red blood, white blood and platelets).

Known causes of this condition is usually due to an autoimmune disorder or is sometimes due to exposure to certain toxins (such as benzene) or even radioactive material. The use of certain drugs are also known to be associated with this condition.